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(Solved): Based on wind directions and the isotherm pattern in Figure \( 4 \mathrm{~A}-1 \), determine the ...

Based on wind directions and the isotherm pattern in Figure \( 4 \mathrm{~A}-1 \), determine the type of air advection that w
On weather maps with real-time data, the patterns of isotherms and winds vary greatly. The intensity of warm and cold air adv
Although we considered the local radiational budget and air mass advection separately, the two combine in regulating air temp
Based on wind directions and the isotherm pattern in Figure \( 4 \mathrm{~A}-1 \), determine the type of air advection that would be occurring at each station. 1. Warm air advection occurred at Station a. A b. B c. D 2. Cold air advection occurred at Station a. B b. C c. D 3. From the Figure \( 4 \mathrm{~A}-1 \) wind and temperature patterns associated with weather systems, you would generally expect areas southeast of lows to have__air advection. Meanwhile, you would generally expect areas to the west and southwest of lows to have air advection. a. cold ... cold b. warm ... warm c. warm ... cold 4. Areas to the east of highs would have air advection. a. cold b. warm 5. While not shown in this example, based on the hand-twist model of a high, areas to the west of highs should have air advection. (Visit Investigation \( 1 B \) for the hand-twist model.) a. cold b. warm On weather maps with real-time data, the patterns of isotherms and winds vary greatly. The intensity of warm and cold air advection depends on the wind speeds, the angle the wind crosses an isotherm, and the closeness of neighboring isotherms. The faster the wind, the more perpendicular the angle, and the closer the isotherms, the stronger the advection. 6. Behind cold fronts you can expect air advection and behind warm fronts you can expect air advection. a. cold ... cold b. warm ... warm c. cold ... warm d. warm ... cold 7. Where the horizontal wind blows more parallel to isotherms, there is air advection. a. cold b. warm c. minimal temperature advection Although we considered the local radiational budget and air mass advection separately, the two combine in regulating air temperature. Sometimes air mass advection acts with or against, or even overwhelms, local radiational influences on air temperature. In response to the local radiation budget, the air temperature usually climbs from a minimum near sunrise to a maximum in early or midafternoon. This pattern changes, however, if an influx of cold or warm air occurs at the same time. Air Temperature Perhaps the most routinely noticeable aspect of weather is air temperatifre. Depending on the outside air temperature, people modify (heat or cool) their indoor spaces, while the combination of chilly temperatures and wind on exposed skin must be guarded against. Heating and cooling degree days, as well as wind chill values, are calculated from observational data collected at weather stations. The Climate Prediction Center (Link 4A-1) lists pages where you can compare heating and cooling degree days for the operational year of the nearest major city. Annual totals of heating degree days (HDD) are accumulated from 1 July through 30 June of the next year while annual totals of cooling degree days (CDD) begin with 1 January and run through 31 December. Go directly to the heating degree day data at \( \underline{\text { ink } 4 \mathrm{~A}-2} \) or directly to the cooling degree day data at Link \( 4 \mathrm{~A}-3 \). During cold weather, when buildings are heated, heating degree days indicate the fuel used. Each degree Fahrenheit that the daily mean temperature is below \( 65^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\left(18^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right) \) is \( 1 \mathrm{HDD} \). 10. A day with a maximum temperature of \( 60^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \) and a minimum of \( 40^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \) has a mean temperature of \( 50^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \). Subtracting 50 from 65 yields 15 , which is \( 15 \mathrm{HDD} \) for that day. Hence, a day with a high temperature of \( 45^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \) and a low of \( 25^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \) produces HDD. a. 20 b. 30 c. 35 s. 65

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S. No correct answer Explanation 1 D warm air advection occurs in the region which is under the influence of warm air mass which is D 2 B cold air advection occurs in the region which is under the influence of col
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