(Solved): Assignment of GD&T 1. The counterbore symbol indicates the min size of the flat on a flat-botto ...
Assignment of GD&T
1. The counterbore symbol indicates the min size of the flat on a flat-bottomed diameter. ANS: T/F PTS: 1 2. The countersink symbol denotes the shape of geometry on a part. ANS T/F PTS: 1 3. The model coordinate system symbol is optional on CAD models but is required on orthographic views of an engineering drawing. ANS: T/F PTS 1 4 The MMC and LMC modifiers may only be used where a feature control frame is applied to a feature of size ANS: T/F PTS: 1 5. A complex feature is a single surface of compound curvature or a collection of other features that constrains up to six degrees of freedom. ANS: T F PTS: 1 6. An irregular feature of size requires opposed surfaces or elements. ANS: T/F PTS: 1 7. Every feature of size has a maximum and least material condition ANS: T/F PTS: 1 8. The geometric characteristic symbols are a set of fourteen symbols used in the language of geometric tolerancing. ANS: T/F PTS: 1 9. A flatness tolerance can control form, orientation, or location. ANS: T/F PTS: 1 10. Geometric tolerances are specified on a drawing through the use of a feature control frame. ANS. T/F PTS: 1
COMPLETION 1. The tolerance zone for a(n) PTS: 1 elements, or points. PTS: 1 feature of size. PTS: 1 digital data files. PTS: 1 irregular feature of size. PTS: 1 6. Non-feature of size dimensions are highly prone to the tolerancing. PTS: 1 7. The symmetry geometric characteristic symbol is a part of the PTS: 1 8. The angularity geometric characteristic symbol is a part of the PTS: 1 9. PTS: 1 surface. PTS: 1 2. A(n) 3. A(n) 4. A(n). 5. A(n), 10. is the same as the tolerance zone for a radius. is a dimension across two opposed (or partially opposed) surfaces, line is the measured value of any individual distance at any cross section of a is a physical portion of a part or its representation on drawings, models, or is a general term that is used to refer to either a regular feature of size or an conditions of coordinate category. category. communicate additional information about the tolerancing of a part. is the composite of roughness and waviness deviations that are typical of a real
1. List the five types of Geometric Characteristics Symbols. (2 marks) 2. What are three planar surfaces used in GD&T Language. (2 marks) 3. Explain MMC, LMC and RFS in your own words. (6 marks) I
1. The counterbore symbol indicates the min size of the flat on a flat-bottomed diameter. ANS: TRUE EXPLANATION: A counterbore (symbol: ?) is a cylindrical flat-bottomed hole that enlarges another coaxial hole, or the tool used to create that feature