(Solved): answer these pls 5. Parallel Light bulbs Look at the light bulb circuit shown below. The two bulbs a ...
answer these pls
5. Parallel Light bulbs Look at the light bulb circuit shown below. The two bulbs are both connected across the same two points (junction X and Y ) in the circuit. Using the DC power supply apply a voltage of about 2.5V across its terminals. Figure 5.1 - Two parallel light bulbs wired to a battery
7. More Complex Series and Parallel Networks Circuit (a) Circuit (b) Figure 7.1: Circuit (a) has two series light bulbs. Circuit (b) has two parallel light bulbs in series with another light balb. Prediction 7.1 In circuit (a), jdentical bulbs A and B glow with a certain brightness. An additional identical bulb C in parallel to B is now added as shown in circuit (b). Describe the brightness of bolbs A,B and C compared to the initial brightness of A and B. Hint: You may wish to use terms like "final A is a little brighter thar initial A " or "initial B is very much brighter than finalc". Observation 7.1 ? Bulld the following circuit and test your prediction. By connecting and disconnecting the wire that appears as a dotted line you can easily make your observation. Figure 7.2: Connerumg and aisconnecting bulb C
Explanation 7.1 Can you explain the results you observe? Hint: You mav need to consider the non-ohmic nroperties of the light bulb.