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(Solved): answer 12,13,15,17. explain answer.  12) Why would you expect a different Raman spectrum (peaks ...

answer 12,13,15,17. explain answer. 
12) Why would you expect a different Raman spectrum (peaks at different wavelengths) for isotopomers like \( \mathrm{HCCl}_{3
5) Why do we spin samples at high speed inside the NMR magnet?
The somple s suun insidl/wme magnet at hish sared to sllow for
12) Why would you expect a different Raman spectrum (peaks at different wavelengths) for isotopomers like \( \mathrm{HCCl}_{3} \) and \( \mathrm{DCCl}_{3} \) (in-lecture problem)? Angular frequerey, \( \omega \), and tape the Signal and divide it by the ictho to determine the demical spift \[ -2 \] 13) Is the stretch depicted below IR active, Raman active or both? 5) Why do we spin samples at high speed inside the NMR magnet? The somple s suun insidl/wme magnet at hish sared to sllow for precesi mand magnetic fi id and flie the protan som stete to \& state to create Betthe rebolution (-3) and fire 16) Why is it important that NMR magnets have yery stable and highly homogenous magnetic fields? Homogenous magnatic tielsis becoush othwise would interpret difference in protons as neighboring eicctrons and get dhe wrong ansuler. 17) What is the advantage/are the advantages of doing NMR at lower temperature and higher magnetic field? Higler magnetic field increases resolution and prec temperative cllows for berier qualty imxins ? how?

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12.When atom in a molecule convert to its isotope,mass number changed
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