A single-phase, full-wave rectifier uses semiconductor diodes. The transformer voltage is 35 Vrms, with center tap. The load consists of a 40 mF capacitor in parallel with a 250 W resistor. The diode and transformer resistances and the leakage reactance can be neglected. Assume that the frequency of the power line at the receptacle is 50 Hz.
(a) The direct current Idc in the circuit.
(b) Peak-to-peak amplitude of the ripple voltage, Vr.
(c) The rms value of the ripple voltage, V¢ap_rms.
(d) Ripple factor of the output of the rectifying filter, r.
(e) Repeat parts (a), (b), (c), and (d) for the case where the load consists of a 100-mF capacitor in parallel with
a resistor of 250 W.
(f) Repeat parts (a), (b), (c), and (d) for the case where the load consists of a 40-mF capacitor in parallel with a
2000 W resistor.
(g) Compare the regulation percentage of the power supply for the Idc values ??of parts (e) and (f).