A Pew Research study conducted in 2017 found that approximately \( 75 \% \) of Americans believe t ...
A Pew Research study conducted in 2017 found that approximately \( 75 \% \) of Americans believe that robots and computers might one day do many of the jobs currently done by people (Pew Research website, http://www.pewinternet.org/2017/10/04/americans-attitudes-toward-a-future-in-which-robots-and-computers-can-do-manyhuman-jobs/). Suppose we have the following data collected from nurses, tax auditors, and fast-food workers in which a higher score means the person feels his or her job is more likely to be automated. a. Use \( \alpha=0.05 \) to test for differences in the belief that a person's job is likely to be automated for the three professions. \[ F=\quad \text { (to } 2 \text { decimals) } \] The \( \boldsymbol{p} \)-value is What is your conclusion? We the null hypothesis that the mean scores are the same for the three professions. b. Use Fisher's LSD procedure to compare the belief that a person's job will be automated for nurses and tax auditors. \( \mathrm{LSD}=\quad \) (to 2 decimals) What is your conclusion? We the null hypothesis that the two population means are equal.