(a) How many LAN(s) and WAN(s) is/are there in the topology diagram?
[1 mark]
(b) Name TWO (2) media in the ABCDigital network and explain the criteria for choosing that network media type to connect the devices.
[2 marks]
(c) R1 will be configured by the network administrator locally. What is the cable to be used and port name at both device in order to access the RI's IOS?
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[2 marks]
(d) Let say there is only two ports left at $3. But there are nine new PCs, one printer and three laptops need to be connected to that network. Suggest a solution for this issue so that all new devices can get connected to the network.
[1 mark]
(e) What is the interface and IPv4 address and subnet mask of the default-gateway of network and respectively?
[3 marks]
(f) List the IPv4 address, subnet mask and default-gateway for PCI. How do the administrator set the IPv4 address manually on PC1 that used Windows 10?
[3 marks]