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(Solved): 9. To determine the BOD of a water sample, the O2 concentration must be measured before and afte ...

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9. To determine the BOD of a water sample, the concentration must be measured before and after the five-day incubation process. This determination can be done in a number of ways, including titration and oxygen electrodes. The standard titration procedure used is the Winkler method, in which the oxygen in a small aliquot of the water sample is reacted with in basic solution. This precipitates , which converts added to ; the latter can be quantitatively determined by titration with standardized sodium thiosulfate. The overall set of equations is Two aliquots of a natural water sample were analyzed using the Winkler method, one before and the other after incubation. They required 10.15 and , respectively, of a standard solution to titrate the of Natural Waters produced. Calculate the of this natural water sample in milligrams per liter. Would this be considered to be a polluted water sample?

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To calculate the BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) of the water sample, we need to determine the amoun...
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