8. Convert E-R diagram into Tables. For each relationship, you should add a Table Name, PKs, FKs in the Child side, and Other attributes of the Table.
9. List the table name and corresponding attribute names. Convert E-R diagram into Tables. For each relationship, you should add a Table Name, PKs, FKs in the Child side, and Other attributes of the Table.
Hint: For each relationship you should add a Foreign Key on the Child side or an intersection/associate table.
1) REFERS is a one-many relationship, so we create the FK on the child called Physician_id.
2) PERFORMS is a many-many relationship, so we create an associate table. This table name can be PERFORMS or can be PHYS_PATIENT.
3) CONSUMES is a many-many relationship, so we create an associate table. The table name can be CONSUMES or can be PATIENT_ITEM. Note that we do not store total cost because it can be calculated from unit cost and item.
10. Transform the following ER diagram into Tables. Place your answer on the table. Worked this problem in class and available for online class under the Recorded Lecture folder