Home / Expert Answers / Electrical Engineering / 7-suppose-symbols-and-their-corresponding-probabilities-are-given-below-a-0-5-quad-b-0-25-qu-pa120

(Solved): 7. Suppose symbols and their corresponding probabilities are given below. \[ A-0.5 \quad B-0.25 \qu ...

7. Suppose symbols and their corresponding probabilities are given below.
A-0.5 \quad B-0.25 \quad C-0.25
(a) Find the
7. Suppose symbols and their corresponding probabilities are given below. \[ A-0.5 \quad B-0.25 \quad C-0.25 \] (a) Find the entropy of the symbols. (b) Find the Huffman code. (b) Find the average code length. Ans. (a) \( 1.5 \) (b) \( \mathrm{A}: 0, \mathrm{~B}: 10, \mathrm{C}: 11 \) (c) \( 1.5 \) 8. Find the Huffman code for the following symbols. \[ \begin{array}{lll} A-0.6 & B-0.2 & C-0.1 \\ D-0.05 & E-0.05 & \end{array} \] Ans. (a) A: 0, B: 10, C: 110, D: \( 1110, \mathrm{E}: 1111 \)

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