(Solved): 3) Triple Op Amp instrumentation amplifier a) Derive the differential-mode transfer function of the ...
3) Triple Op Amp instrumentation amplifier a) Derive the differential-mode transfer function of the differential amplifier shown in Figure 3. Assuming an ideal Op-Amps. What does RG do? b) Design the differential amplifier for a differential gain of 100(Ad=vA−vBvout =vdvout ), making R2=R2′,R1=R1′,R3=R4. c) Assuming that VCC=VEE=12V. Simulate circuit to obtain its gain and bandwidth. Plot the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) as a function of frequency. Assume that CMRR is defined as CMRR=AcmAd d) Derive the common mode gain transfer function (Acm=vcmvout ) assuming that the feedback resistors are not matched: R2=R2′+1%. Repeat the simulation for CMRR and plot it vs frequency. e) Verify by simulation that CMRR changes if the node NC is connected to ground.
Fig. 3: Triple Op-Amp instrumentation amplifier