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(Solved): 3.13 LAB: Output range with increment of 5 Instructor note: Important Coding Guidelines: - Use com ...

3.13 LAB: Output range with increment of 5
Instructor note:
Important Coding Guidelines:
- Use comments, and whitespaces arou

3.13 LAB: Output range with increment of 5 Instructor note: Important Coding Guidelines: - Use comments, and whitespaces around operators and assignments. - Use line breaks and indent your code. - Use naming conventions for variables, functions, methods, and more. This makes it easier to understand the coce. - Write simple code and do not over complicate the logic. Code exhibits simplicity when it's well organized, logicaly minimal, and easily readable. Write a program whose input is two ntegers, and whose output is the first integer and subsequent increments of 5 as long as the value is less than or equal to the second integer. Ex: It the input is: \[ -1510 \] the output is: \[ \begin{array}{llllll} -15 & -10 & -5 & 0 & 5 & 10 \end{array} \] Ex: If the second integer is less than the first as in: 205 the output is: Second integer can't be less than the first. For coding simplicity, output a space after every integer, inc uding the last. \begin{tabular}{l|l} LAB & 3.13.1: LAB. Output range with increment of 5 \end{tabular} main.cpp Load default template... 1 #include 2 using namespace std; 4 int main() f /* Type your code here. */ return 0; \}

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