2. Two aircraft are flying side-by-side. Body coordinate frame A is centered on the left aircraft, and body coordinate frame B is centered on the right aircraft. The coordinate frames have roll, pitch, and yaw axes defined by A:{iA,jA,kA} and B:{iB,jB,kB}. The coordinate frames are initially aligned. Aircraft A observes a third aircraft, C, in the distance, and moves to intercept it at t=0. The constant 3-2-1 Euler angle rates of coordinate frame A relative to coordinate frame B are ϕ˙=−0.2,θ˙=0.3, and ψ˙=−0.4, all in rad/s. (a) What is ωAB, the angular velocity vector of frame A relative to frame B, expressed in A frame components, at t=2 seconds? (b) While in pursuit, aircraft A observes aircraft C at position rAA=(3,2,4)T km at t=2 seconds. The time derivative of this position vector relative to A is dtdrAA=(−70,−50,−100)T m/s. What is the time derivative of the same position vector relative to aircraft B,dtdrAB ?