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(Solved): 2. The demand curve facing a competitive firm The following graph illustrates the market for targe ...
2. The demand curve facing a competitive firm The following graph illustrates the market for targe moving trucks in Eugene, OR, during Oregon's tall move-in week. Suppose that Zoomba is one of over a doxen competitive firms in the Eugene area that offers moving truck rentals. Based on the preceding groph showing the weekly market demand and supply curves, the price Zoombs must take as given is Fill in the price and the total, marginal, and average revenue Zoomba earns when if rents \( 0,1,2 \), or 3 trucks during move-in week. The dernand curve faced by Zoomba is identical to which of its other curves? Chock all that apoly. Average revenue curve Marginal cost curve Supply curve Marginal tevenue curve
2. The demand curve facing a competitive firm The following graph llfustrates the market for large moving trucks in Eugene, or, during Oregon's fall move-in week. Suppose that Zoomba is one of over a dozen compettive firms in the Eugene area that offers moving truek rentals. Based on the preceding graph showing the weekdy market demand and supply curves, the price zoomba must take as given is Fill in the price and the total, marginal, and average revenue Zoomba earns when it rents \( 0,1,2 \), or 3 trucks during move-in week. The demand curve faced by Zoomba is identical to which of its other curves? Check all that appiy: Average revenue curve Marginal cost curve Supgly curve. Marginal revenue curve