(Solved): 10. Analyse the following VHDL sequential codes: (ULO library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC 1164 .ALL; u ...
10. Analyse the following VHDL sequential codes: (ULO library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC 1164 .ALL; use IEEE. NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity dummy is end dummy; architecture sig of dummy is signal sum: integer := 0 ; signal sig1: integer:= 1; signal sig2: integer:= 2; signal sig3: integer:= 3 ; begin process begin sigl <= sig2 + sig3; sig2 <= sigl; sig3<=3ig2; sum <= sig1+sig2 +sig 3 ; wait; end process; end sig; Deduce the resulting value of 'sum', 'sig1', 'sig2', and 'sig3' when simulated. Explain your answer. A. sum=15;sig1=5;sig2=5;sig3=5; B. sum=6;sig1=5;sig2=1;sig3=2; C. sum=16;sig1=6;sig2=5;sig3=5; D. sum=8;sig1=5;sig2=1;sig3=2;