1. Provide 2 current state BPMN diagrams of processes that will be affected by the new system 2. Provide a list of the business and user requirements.
Mario Martinetti was boen in a small southern Italian town and immigrated to Vancouver in 1977, He left his hometown looking to bulld something of value. He loved telling stoties, and had a loud and infectious laugh that always brought people together, you could often find him at the center of a party, people crowding around wanting to connect. After hi: artival, he combined two of his passions, and Mario started a catering company serving espresso drinks at weddings. He prided himsesf on the quality of the colfee he made. He would not serve a deink unless it was just right. This made him very popular for weddings and other events, well this and the wonderous stories he'd share when making the drinks. After a few years he siw an opportunity to open a store front downtown. The place was small, only \( 9 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} \), but was located on a busy street, near many office buildings. With lots of foot traffic, he thought he would do well. Mario's Place Coffee opened in 1984. The location offered a servirg window on the street, and a few small tables inside. This was extremely popular in the cummer months; people didn't have to go insidethe cramped cafe. He worked in that location for 10 years, opening at 6 , working until \( 6 P M, 6 \) days a week, It was tiring, but he loved it. By the mid 1990s, Mario's Place was incredibly popular and doing very well. He decided to expand and found two more locations to open. Both new locations were like his first, small, but well located on busy streets. He hired and trained Haristas to work the stores. He had them make esaresso drinks over and over, ensuring that they made the drinis properly - they couldn't make drinks for customers until he had personally approwed the colfee they made. The new Batistas didn't like managing cash and makine dinks, so he hired people to manage order taking and keeping supplies (coiffee, milk, sugar, etc.) well stocked. All three locations continued to do very well. Regular custemers carne by the store ewery morning to get their colfee, many knowine staff by näme. Staff noticed that some people would walk by when there were 4 or 5 people in line. Lspedally when it was rainire. Over the next 25 wears, Mario's Place became a cherished institution. Over time the locations moved and expanded a little, but the commitment to excedlent coffee and telling grest stories continued. Pauline Martinetil, Mario's granddaughter, fust completed a business degree in Montreal, and has recently tetum home. To Vancouver. Mario has been wartingt fo retire, and a sked Padine to take over the day to-day operations of the buiness, to learn the business, and to propose a new dirvetion for the company. Vauline aw a lot of opportunity For Mario's Place. The bainess was doing very well finandally, but she saw a couple of problems. Sorwe of the equipmert was charting to fall, Some of the espresso mactines were over 30 wars oid and needed a lot of werviding. The new flarista's were well trained, but did not have much experience. Many of the supply erders had not been updated in saveral yeari, and otten the stoxe wocild nun out of milk and the cashicr would have to ruat to the local supermurket to buy a fow containers. Payline had frequented severat calfee shops while studying in Montseal. the shops were haneouts for local college stuteets, had plenty ad seatine as well as comuntrity tatilos and big chaies for relasing and reading. She loved the vibe for linase teride a local college.
Part 2: Mario's Coffee is growing Pauline very much enjoyed working in the cafe. When she was a teenager, she had worked with her Grandfather learning how to make the various coffee drinks. Most, of the many cousins in the family, had worked at Mario's at some point - several still worked here part-time. Mario had instilled into all of them his goal to serve only a perfect coffee (several had also picked up his love of telling good stories!). Most of her Sme had been spent working closely with new baristas, ensuring product quality, and with learning the other aspects of the busy cafés. There were a few problems, service was sometimes slow, and they would periodically run out of supplies, but business was still good. After a few months, she was feeling more confident in her role, so Pauline started focusing on growing the business, Her first business opportunity came when she had lunch with a high-school friend, Daisy Mathes. Daisy owned a catering company. Pauline, remembering her grandfather had started out providing a coffee service at weddings, saw an opportunity. After much discussion, they decided to work together. Daisy would offer a colfee service as part of an event package and Pauline would subcontract when the service was requested. Another opportunity presented itself when her leasing agent found a perfect location for her to expand. The location was close to a local college and was large enough that she could provide a lounge space for customers. Warking with her agent, she negotiated a long-term lease and started working on renovations and hiring staff. Pauline was elated that all her strategies were coming together, but at the same time was overwhelmed with the amount of work that she was doing. She needed help. She decided to hilre for some key position:
As the accountant, Yoshi is the person responsible for the administration of accounts payable (AP) for Mario's coffee. The task has always taken up a lot of time and personal resources. He spends a lot of time on the telephone with suppliers answering why their invoices have not been paid, asking for duplicatecopies of invoices, and solving problems with invoices. As it is a manual AP process, there are many errors, the process involves many different people, and there is difficulty communicating to the various people ordering supplies without purchase order. The AP prociess at Mario's works as follows: The mail is opened by the Coordinator, kabella. 5 he separates invoices into two pilles. The first, on-going service providers such as Telus (Business Internet) of BC Hydro (electricity) are sent directhy to Yoshi for payment, and in the second pile, inventory and supply invoices are forwarded to the responsible manager for confirmation. The responsible manager confirms the details of the invoice, items ordered, if they were received, and reviews for appropriate pricing. If they are able to confirm the invoice details, they physically sign-off on the invoice and return it to Yoshil for payment. If there is a problem, the responsible manager contacts the vendor and requests a correction to the involce and has them issue a new invoice.
lario's Place has been growing at a very fast pace over the last two years. Three.new stores have opened (all near local olliege campuses). one closed, a new office has been set up (unintentionally), new catering services have been added, ind several new staff members have joined the senior management team. Losalina has joined as their Marketing Manager. Through many changes Pauline has never lod sight of the goal to serve only the best colfee, but the has had some challeriges. In a meeting with Yoshl, Pauline started seeing problems in their revenve collection. Yoshi told her that often he cannot read the daily cash deposits, and the bank has been sending deposit correction notices on deposits. The bank is only sending him summarlzed transaction reports for the credit and debit machines, so store managers have not been able to balance store sales. He is feeling a sense of growing frustration because he's being asked to confirm information which he truly can't accurately contitm. Pauline recognizes that the current system is not sufficient for the future. She has asked Yoshi to start a project to purchase an integrated Point of Sale (POS) system that will move Mario's Coffee into the future. Currently, each store has a cash register and a credit/debit card terminal. The amount of each product purchased is entered into the cash register. The cashilet is responsible to ensure that taxoble transaction is entered in properly, separate keys are provided to enter each item that is taxable or non-taxable. If the transaction is a cach transaction, the cash transaction total is entered, and the cash drawer will open. If the transaction is using credit or debit, the credit transaction button is pushed, and the transaction is finalized. The cashier enters the amount of the transaction into the credit card terminal and the customer pays the transaction. Yoshi knew that eventually the system would have to integrate with an accounting system, but in the meantime, he wanted to ensure he was genting accurate transaction data from esch location. He was hoping that the terminals would be accessible remotely, but felt it was more critical that the system provided daily transactions and wmmary information. It was alwo his hope that he would be able to confirm that each location sales and incoming cash and card transactions balanced each doy. Yostivisited each of the cale locations to meet with cafe managers, each expresses similar requests of the new system. tenventory continued to be problein; they otten weren't certain what products were selling. They insisted the system be able to track individual products sold and whather the transaction a cash or bank card. He was alvo important that the system identilied witch canhier was respondbli for each transction. They wanted to be able to quickly balance at the end of the day. theee wen gentrally \( 10.15 \) products and services that make sp an ewent involce. progan
Part 4: Let's get Technical Mario's Place Coffee has been growing quickly. The new stores have been very busy. Pauline was enjoying the atmosphere of the new shops. Customers seemed happy. While she was still having problems with inventory. periodically they would run out of coffee supplies, business was increasing in all her locations. 5 he had recently introduced a small selection of freshly baked goods from the Able Sister's Bakery. The product were popular especially amongst the students. The only complaint from customers in the new campus locations was the internet was too slow. During the expansion of the new café's, she signed up for the basic internet service, up to \( 15 \mathrm{MB} / \mathrm{s} \) download, up to \( 1 \mathrm{MB} / \mathrm{s} \) upload. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) had higher speed service, but she hadn't had a chance to look at options. Her first challenge was dealing with the Point of Sale (POS) system. The current system was frustrating many of the staff. Having to enter the transaction into the cash register then process payment card transactions separately was too slow. So, based on the requirements provided by Yoshi, Pauline has decided to purchase the Lightspeed Bakeryand for all the user and business requirements and more. While she will have to purchase the iPads, Lightspeed will provide the Lightspeed IPad stand, LAN receipt printer, Cash drawer, and Lite Server. She has made an agreement with. Lightspeed to supply the system but has been asked to ensure the cafés are prepared for the stations to be installed. She was advised of some minor set-up requirements for each café, but she has been told that the receipt printers require wired connectivity to a network. To address the need for an improved Accounting information System, she decided to purchase the Sage 50 Cloud Accounting software (hittps// womw.sage.com/en-ca/eroducts/sage. SOclaudd for managing the company's finances. Yoshi had worked with it in the past and was more comfortable with its features. As many of the company records were in Excel, he wanted to ensure the whatever system they implemented was capable of integration with his reporting workbooks In addition, Pauline purchased digital slignage from a coffee shop that was going out of business. The signage was a very nice addition to the small shop. The Marketing Manager, Hosalina, would update the menus and images usirg a dightal signage upplication runsing on her desktop, She hated doing updates. The files were often vary large, and the application worked very poorly on ber current deshtop computer. When she ran an wpdate, sher would nun up to the store front and made sure it worked. Onoe thin uw it was contigured contectly, she would aip the filies and send them to the cither stores for update.
Pauline realized that these new technologies were challenging her staff. Most had old computers that didn't work very well. kabella worked mostly frem her office. One of her responsibalities was maintaining event agreernents and service contracts. While wery efficient in doing her job, she used her personal googfe account to store and arrange the files. When she was away no one could reference the files. The General Manager, Mons, managed most of the compary/s service contracts. She stored them locally on his desktop computer. Mora spent most of her time travelling between the locations and in meetings with suppliers and sperial event coordinators; She often didn't have agreement and reference materials with her and had to call luabella to got information. The Cafe Managers had to manage the day-to-day operation of each of the cotfee shops. While thry had operation of each of the coffee shops. While they had desks op computers in the tack of each of the locations, they spend most of their time warking on their smart phones. Which annoyed worne of the staff, as they weren't allowed to have their smart phones with them when they wers working-
Part 5: Should we have seen that coming Writh the growth of the compary, Pauline has hired It staif to help support the new technolomy being put in place, So, she has hired Perry to started woeking for Mario's as the new It Systems Manager. Perry was able to hire two staff meenbers to help bien with some large projects going on, a Help Dosk Techniclan and a Network Administrator, both employees were part time students. 50 far, the new II team has really enjoyed the farnily like atmosphere of the workplace. Perry's first week was spent meeting with tifferent mangers and staff preparing for the deployment of the new network, accounting spitem, and PCS system. His Helpolesk Technician and Network Administrator were busy setting up everyone on theit new computers. During the computer deployment and meetinger, ho found Mario's have little, or no, security or owersight inte their techicical operation. Many of the staff have administrator lovel access to their work computers. This granted them full privilege to install soffware and manage the settings on their PC's. While complex passwords were required, many had written them on sticky notes stuck to the monitor or keyboard. In addition, all beations have a general persenal computer for staff to access, and all staff shared a general user account. These computers have very sensitive information on them, accounting records, human resource files, and resumes were often left on the decktop ot dawnloads folders. During the new womputer deployment, the Cooedinator's old computer went missing. Initially, Perry wasn't eoncemed, howevwer, labella, said she had been saving much of her catering events files on her desktop. The files often heid custoner information, including credit card information. Perry was aware that the POS system had a credit card precessing angeement that included that they had to follow payment card industry standards. thition Ikmow lisble if any of the data were to be compromised. A couple months inte the fobs, thines weemed to be going well for Pecry and the II Team. Early on a friday afternoon, just as Ferry was wrapping up to tiead home (maybe a litile bit early for the weekend), he received a call from Yoshl, the Acrountine Mactger. Yoshil wasvery upvec, he had leit his birielcase at a restaurant, and wasn't able to find it. The brief cave contained his laptop, along with some confidential papers. The laptop contained the financial fecords. torinew plans, and bank accosint numbers for Marlo's Coffee. The Mcoounating Manager had called the restaurant, but the laptop was gone. Yoshir then tald Perry has computer parwwond was on a sticky note invide his brielcase. Not the best woy to blat a weekent! tustimen hww been respondine si the poct. Both are coecerned that the postr are giving the wrong linpuestion of the
Niter Perry got off the phone, he rallied the team to start working on the laptop problem. But, the phone rang again. Rosalina again. This time, she discovered Tweets being sent out using the corporate Twitter account, the texts are conteat aware (obviously not a bot!). So, Perry quickly tried to access the account, but the 2-factor authorization had been turned on for a phone that is not within the organization. In addition, several customers have started calling the main line, aying that they have recelved a text from the store phone number requesting personal banking information. Perry sat back and sighed, his plans for a weekend away from work now a bittersweet dream. Oh well, at least he could head out front and quickly get a great coffee before getting back to work on the laptop, blog, twitter, phone, ahhhhh!