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1) Consider a system of N localized weakly-interacting spin- 1/2 particles of magnetic momen ...
1) Consider a system of N localized weakly-interacting spin- ?1/2 particles of magnetic moment ? in an external magnetic field B. The quantum energy levels for a single particle are E=±?B. The total energy of the system is E=?(N???N??)?B, and the total number of configurations with a given energy is ?(m)=[(N+m)/2]![(N?m)/2]!N!?, where m=N???N??, as shown in the lecture. a) Using the definition of temperature kB?T1?=?E?ln?? and Stirling's approximation for the factorial, obtain a relation between the energy of the system and the temperature, valid for arbitrary temperatures. b) Under what circumstances is T negative? c) What is the total magnetic moment M of the system as a function of B and T ?